Message From
Namaste !
I am honoured to be a chairperson of the management committee of this prestigious educational institution. I have also felt a big challenge has been added to me along with this responsibility. Overcoming all the challenges, the entire committee members, including me, is and will remain committed to achieve its goals. We have been working day and night with the belief that this school, which is recently selected as a model school by the Nepali government, should be made a model not only for the region but also for the entire nation.
School education is one of the important factors of human life. Which enables an individual to achieve qualitative life.Person with quality life can contribute to develop a civilized and cultured society.
A large share of the national budget allocated by the Government of Nepal for education is spent on community schools every year. Despite the huge government investment, community schools are failing to provide quality education. As a result, financially weak parents are cutting their throats and sending their children to private schools with an expectation of better education. Witnessing all these bitter truths , every individual undoubtedly questions : Why the community schools in Kathmandu Valley despite having enough physical infrastructures and qualified and trained teachers failing to provide quality education? I think the teachers themselves are not convinced about the quality of the community school,where they teach. Thus, they send their children to private schools but wish to get jobs in community schools. The school attendants are not an exception in this case.
During our three-year tenure, we want to radically change the current situation of school’s physical infrastructure and academics. Teachers will be made aware and responsible for that. The system of rewards and punishments will be strictly implemented.We’ll be monitoring the teachers’ check in and checkout time at school.This will ensure teachers are putting their full efforts at school. Besides that, the teacher’s class timing, dedication and teaching methodologies will be monitored and we would not hesitate to provide some constructive suggestions, if needed.
We will encourage parents to invest in the education of their children through regular discussions and interactions with them. Child friendly teaching learning methodologies will be adopted. Teachers and parents will be made responsible for addressing every child’s success and problems. The designation will be assigned to the capable and responsible individual of the institution. We are aiming to develop our school as an educational hub of the area by discouraging political activities inside the school premises. It is mandatory for all the teaching, non-teaching and SMC members to enroll their children in our school as they are involved in this institutions. This mandatory rule is expected to enhance the trust and reliability of the school in the coming days.
School has chosen “Learn today, lead tomorrow” as its slogan, in order to convey the message that we can lead our future as a responsible leader if we learn well today. We are and will continue to strive to live up to the slogan we have chosen. In order to accomplish our aims to establish this institution as an educational hub of the area, four rest rooms (toilets) will be constructed immediately, adequate drinkable water supply will be managed, computer / science labs will be constructed, and reception and teachers’ room will be assigned and systematized. Most of the desks and benches in the classroom are to be painted, even replaced. In addition, about 33% of the total students are to be provided with educational materials, school uniforms, lunch and extra classes. We’ll put our efforts to address all the above mentioned issues before school resumes after this pandemic.
During our tenure, we expect the cooperation and solidarity of all stakeholders of the society to develop Baluddar as a trusted education hub of the country.
With best regards,
Dhruba Prasad Ghimire