Interact clubs are either community based or school based. Interact Club Pashupati of Bal Uddhar Secondary school is school based club composed of the youths studying in grade XI and XII.This club is comprised of 24 members under the leadership of Aastha Ghimire, a student of grade XI. Interact club aims to organize at least two service projects annually. One that benefits their community and one that encourages international understanding. Such clubs receive guidance from individual Rotary clubs. These individual Rotary Clubs govern and support them.
The goals of Interact Club Pashupati of Bal Uddhar are:
1. To recognize and develop constructive leadership and personal integrity among the students of school.
2. To encourage and practice thoughtfulness and helpfulness to others.
3. To create an awareness of the importance of home and family among students.
4. To build respect for the rights of others recognizing the worth of each individual.
5. To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations as opportunities to serve society.
6. To provide opportunities for gaining knowledge and understanding of community, national, and world affairs.
7. To open avenues of personal and group action leading to the advancement of international understanding and goodwill toward all people.